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OAA Launches New Website

July 17, 2024 3:30 PM | Tony Fiore (Administrator)

If you are thinking this OAA newsletter looks similar, but something is different…you are correct.

Over the last nine months OAA has been working on transitioning to a new membership platform and website, and in turn a different newsletter format.   Well, the wait is over.  When members or guests visit

they will have a much better experience.  A significant amount of work has gone into the membership database to update outdated records, but there is still much work to be done.  In addition, we are only as good as the information our members keep updated in their profile.  Whether its changes to personnel, updates to contact information or an event happening at your airport please let us know.  We want to make sure you have a great experience interacting with the Ohio Aviation Association now and into the future!

Note:  As mentioned in previous newsletters all OAA contacts will continue to receive our newsletters in the future.  But any member only content will require logging into your account to access more details about the topics we cover

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